Intercept Android traffic using QEMU, mitmproxy and Frida

Recently, I wanted to take a look at the network traffic of an Android App that I was using. I did this a while back when, it was relatively easy to configure an HTTP Proxy and import a custom CA cert to mitm a HTTPS connection but was aware that it got more difficulty in the recent years. This guide describes the setup I used to still achieve my goal.

Capture http requests using tshark

While playing attack/defense CTFs I often want to see what kind of requests other teams are sending to our services. tshark, the cli version of wireshark, can be used the achieve this. This command prints the URL, parameters and body of incoming http requests on port 4000:

Install WireGuard on odroid hc2

I recently got an odroid hc2 that I want to use as local NAS device. Since it took me a while to find the correct linux headers so I could install WireGuard I’m doing a quick write-up. Of course I’m using arch linux for this.

Use vim to edit text anywhere

For people that are used to the superior vim keybindings it may be nice to use their favorite editor on every text input, no matter if its a in another application or on a website. This small script helps so you to never again write text in a non-vim environment.

Debuging API clients using http reverse proxies

While developing API clients it can often be helpfull to inspect the traffic that gets sent to the server. For HTTP APIs this can be easily achieved by using mitmproxy in reverse mode.